Collecting the sample
An NHS practitioner will collect a blood sample shortly after birth. We’ll use this to analyse your baby’s DNA.
We collect the sample
Shortly after your baby is born, an NHS practitioner will ask your permission to collect the sample. You can change your mind about this.
If you give birth at home
If you give birth at home, your midwife can collect a blood sample or we'll schedule a hospital appointment to collect the sample shortly after your baby is born.
If we cannot collect a sample
There may be reasons why we cannot collect a blood sample. If this happens, you and your baby cannot join the study. We'll send you an email or letter to confirm this.
After the sample is collected
The hospital team will label your baby’s sample with a unique code number. Next, the hospital team send the sample to external companies. These companies extract and sequence DNA. They cannot access your baby's personal details.